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Fees and Policies

Download Student Handbook. (updated 2025)​



Payment - Tuition is $30; for a 30-minute lesson, $55 for a 60-minute lesson. Tuition and fees are due at the beginning of the month. Invoices are emailed at the beginning of the month and payment can be made by check, cash or by using the online option through Jackrabbit Music. Accounts that are not paid in full by the 15th of the month will be charged an additional $30 late fee. A $5 discount per lesson is applied for for an additional sibling, or an additional course of instruction. Only one type of discount per family may apply. Accounts that are not paid in full by the 30th of the month will not be eligible for any type of discount until the account is paid in full. 


Our policies exist to ensure that our students gain the best experience possible! Please make sure to familiarize yourself with these. 

1. Expectations - We expect our students and parents to be devoted to the learning process. Private music instruction is not something that should be entered into lightly. Please make sure you understand the commitment involved. Otherwise it could prove to be a costly, fruitless (and perhaps even negative) experience. Before instruction begins, please make sure your student obtains a quality instrument to work with. As your instructor or director for help! 


2. Attendance - We recognize absences are sometimes unavoidable! For this reason, students will be allowed three (3) excused absences during Winter-Spring trimester (January-May), three (3) excused absences during the Summer trimester (June-August), and three (3) excused absences during the Fall trimester. An excused absence is one in which the instructor (not the school) is notified of the absence by 12:00pm on the day of the lesson. An excused absence can be made-up, or credited towards the next month’s tuition (make-up lessons are contingent on the instructor’s availability and are not guaranteed). An unexcused absence is any absence beyond the number of allowed excused absences per semester or a “no-show” (when a student misses a lesson and the instructor is not notified). All unexcused absences will incur normal tuition charges. 


3. Time Off - It is normal for students to take time off for vacations, seasonal sports, or simply to take a learning break. In such cases we ask that the school be given at least 30 days notice, if at all possible, in order to revise our studio schedule. 


4. Additional Considerations -

a. Method books are purchased from Two Rivers Performing Arts School, and are an additional expense that will be charged to your account. You will be notified by the instructor when a purchase becomes necessary. 

b. Make sure your child has a good, functional instrument to work with. It isn’t necessary to spend thousands of dollars on a brand new, professional-level instrument. (In fact, it’s probably better not to make such an investment until your child’s progress is proven.) It is fairly easy to find quality used instruments for sale. However, you should include your instructor or the director to help guide the purchase process. 

c. Two Rivers Performing Arts School is closed on Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Good Friday, Easter, and for two weeks over Christmas and New Years.. Inclement weather closings are communicated through email. Our calendar is based on  a trimester system: Winter/Spring (January-May), Summer (June-August) and Fall (September-December). 

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